How do you convince high school students that it's important to read? That's my homework this weekend. I want to cobble together an argument to make to my students--seniors, the often unmotivated type--on Monday as we head into our first book together. I will also give them a letter that includes Cris Tovani's tricks of successful readers and ask them to write me back about which they already do, which they need to work on, which they don't understand. Essentially, I want to know about what kind of readers my students are, what kind they want to become, and how my class can help them achieve that. But I want to frame the letter with a strong argument as to why they should even care about what kind of readers they are. An argument with a Truth that speaks to them. An argument that makes them care about their lives as readers, that makes them care to improve. An argument that will send some of them into the first book they have actually READ in high school.
So we'll see what I come up with, but that's my self-assigned homework for the weekend.
Speaking of weekend, let's get that started. Signing off now to go pick up my kid from school.
--M. Shelley
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2 days ago
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